- Publication date
- 25/11/2020
- Last change
- 20/07/2023
Dario Argento Panico
Directed by
Simone Scafidi
Dario Argento wrote his most famous films inside hotels, isolating himself from external reality, chasing his own nightmares. Today, in agreement with his agent, he decides to return to a hotel to conclude his new script and to be interviewed, filmed, followed by a crew that is shooting a film about him. Inside this structure, a wellness center very far from the cramped places that bind to the master of horror, Argento does not initially feel at ease, struggling to find tranquility both to
finish the writing of his film, and to confide in who is interviewing him with. But the demon of cinema, who never abandoned him, followed him up there and will push him, once again, to give himself totally.