Gli asteroidi
The world of the nineteen-year-old Pietro (Riccardo Frascari) and his friend Ivan (Nicolas Balotti), protagonists of The asteroids, gravitates around the endless alienating industrial province. Once flourishing, it is now suffering seriously from economic crisis. In search of a place to fit in amid spacious fields and run down sheds, the two lads are in endless conflict with their families, school and everything around them. While the elusive “candlestick band” goes on a thieving spree in local churches, a large asteroid, monitored by the astronomy station, is about to pass very close to the earth. The imminent “end of the world” invoked by an eccentric friend keen on astronomy and philosophy causes last vestiges of Pietro’s strength to collapse and convinces him to take part in a “job” organised by Ivan. The dramatic consequences of the decision are to upset his world fatally, like the passage or collision with the gigantic celestial body.
- Publication date
- 08/10/2019
- Last change
- 08/10/2019