- Publication date
- 25/11/2020
- Last change
- 25/11/2020
2 agosto 1980. Un giorno nella vita
A journey through the testimonies of those who are young or very young forty years ago found themselves on the spot, in the city, at work or called back to service, those who passed by Bologna by chance and those who lived there. Who never arrived in Bologna, who had to cross it to reach the family or to continue for the holidays. Who will never tell it again and who, luckiest, has returned home, making a front-end for the barrage due to the massacre. A father porter in desperate but composed search for his daughter, employed by the railways, in the hope of finding her still alive, of finding her, among the rubble dug by Cucciolo and the other firefighters. Those young soldiers who still have the images of that horrible event printed in their minds, indelible images, protagonists of the
worst nightmares of their lives. The buses transformed into ambulances, funeral cars, the taxi torn apart and rebuilt piece by piece so as not to lose memory, memory still alive as alive and deep is the wound, even more painful as the truth emerges, that the guilty are discovered . Slowly, as eternal were the moments before the explosion, over the decades, 4 to date and still many elements are being clarified. International involvement, Masonic lodges, shocking plots of the life of our country. We all at the same time on August 2, 1980 we heard the echo of the outbreak, a whole nation as a single body, that day it felt something upsetting from which we do not recover easily. the ground has collapsed under everyone’s feet, not just those who were at the central station of Bologna in that instant. 2020 August 2, 40 years after the city of Bologna, Italy, remembers through words and images, through experience and the search for truth.